Week 25: Marathon Training

5 weeks! Only 5 weeks until I will be running a distance further than I drive in a week. 5 weeks until I will be in Las Vegas. 5 weeks until I become a marathoner.

[ week 25 / 5 weeks until 26.2 ]

Sunday – Long run (recovery week from half marathon). 8 miles, 1:12:46, 9:06 min/mile.

Nice easy “short long run.” It was a beautiful 8 miles. I just enjoyed the weather and a nice, easy pace. Looking ahead at next week, I have a 16-miler and an 18-miler the week after, so I took it easy and was completely OK with a shorter long run this week!

Monday – No run. Strength training.

Did some strength training in the gym, nothing too strenuous. Mostly leg exercises and some core work. Squats, lunges, dead lifts, planks in between reps among the workouts.

Tuesday – 4 easy miles. 35:06, 8:45 min/mile.

Felt AH-MAY-ZING! I just wanted to go FAST and go FOREVER. I felt great not only because I felt well-rested from the recovery week after the half, but because of my new shoes! I may have found “the ones.” The New Balance Zante v2. Great weather and just all around great day and run today.

Wednesday – 5 easy miles, 46:13, 9:15 min/mile.

It was warm today but still not bad. I wasn’t as energetic today as I was yesterday, but I was still excited to get out there! I saw the first fall leaves of the season!

Thursday – 6.5 miles, 57:13, 8:50 min/mile.

All I wrote in my journal for today was, in barely-legible handwriting, “Hot. Tired.”

Texas was just kidding about the cool weather that day. It was back to being it’s regular, hot, humid, miserable, summer self. But I managed!

Friday – 4 easy miles, 36:45, 9:11 min/mile.

It was so cool outside!!! (Texas is indecisive). In fact, today I was reminded about my paper thin ears. I need to wear an ear warmer apparently in any temperature below 65. 4 easy miles then I cycled after work. It has been a while since I did a spin class at Flywheel and I could tell! My “power” points were a bit less than they used to be but I still did well and got an awesome workout. I’m going to try to go a few mire times before marathon day. Cross training is the best!

Saturday – Rest day!

I’m ready to ramp up the runs for the next few weeks leading up to marathon day! Thank you so much to my coach, Andrew Simmons, for getting me there! Let’s do this!

Any marathon day tips for a first-timer?

Tips for weeks leading up to marathon day?

31 thoughts on “Week 25: Marathon Training

  1. Great job! I would say focus on your long runs for the marathon. Figure out what kind of hydration and energy gel levels you need and when to take them. For me, my marathon strategy is to always get my first half finished under 2 hours. Then I just look at the second half as a long distance run. In general, I guess you could say that is my overall running style for any race. And my mental motto for the marathon is “I am not racing this. A marathon is an endurance run. Completing it is the success.” Good luck! You will do great!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you! And thank you so much for your feedback. That does help – you’re right, it’s a mental game and just completing 26.2 miles in of itself is a huge accomplishment. Thank you again!

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  2. So I just ordered those same shoes. I wore them twice but they are too small. How did yours fit compared to your other running shoes? I was so bummed bc I have the vazee pace but I wanted more comfort for longer runs. Ugh anyway great job on your training!

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    1. I got the same size I always do and they fit great but I have really (really) narrow feet. I actually read “negative” reviews because the shoes were narrow so that’s what drew me to them. They fit perfect… I hope you can find some others that fit you better! Thank you so much!!

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  3. Great post Jenna! You are going to own your marathon! Sorry Texas had a “cold spell!” 😆

    Any marathon day tips for a first-timer? You’ve been doing the hard part. I learned this weekend to just take it all in and trust in your training. It will be emotional and overwhelming but enjoy every minute.

    Tips for weeks leading up to marathon day? This is where I learned to eat properly and hydrate! Get a good nights rest the night before if you can with all of the excitement! I’m excited for you and so proud of your hard work and determination!!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you so much Frank! I’m so proud of you and can’t wait to join the club. Yeah I need to figure out what I’m going to eat the day of – it’ll be a little strange because the start time is at 4pm. Thanks for the tips and I always really appreciate your encouragement! I hope you’re feeling great and resting up!

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  4. Hey Ms Texas Checking in here.Try to do a few of your long runs at 4 pm and test out some food options – It just has a way of working out. You have 5 weeks to relax and train.Robyn really summed it all up very well. It really is about the long runs,and to approach the race that way. Bottom line -You’r young, strong, well trained, motivated, and from lower middle range top100. Not sure what that last one has to do with anything – but I just threw it in:). My point -You will do GREAT!

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  5. LOL You know how Jenny from the block will always be just that.Well I will always be Joey from the block. I have the same friends since the age of 5,and believe me, we keep each other pretty grounded :). The Dr. title just feels weird. I don’t know your training schedule. However, I would think you have 3 weeks of real running left – then the taper. When I ran London and Berlin I was still a PO and took three weeks off to adjust to the time change. I actually lived on the 5 hour time change for that whole period of time. Nuts I know – but a few of us did it, and had a blast. I really would do my last few long runs at 4 PM. Diet can also be part of it. Of course go by whatever works for you-Not trying to be a know it all. However ,I’am a Doc lol. I’am ok, thanks for asking. My back is really shot and requires weekly Acupuncture and meds to keep me running. My time in NY will be somewhere in the high 2:40’s.The plan is in place – no faster or slower. Subsequent to that it will be a rather extensive back surgery with a long recovery. I’am ok with it all. Taking the LSAT exam on 12/3, so I will have the prep to keep me busy during recovery. The goal is Brooklyn Law school, then hopefully an ADA spot. It will be a great way to get back into law enforcement without going back on the street.

    Ok Ms Texas, take care of yourself and go run that race. YA DID GOOD 🙂

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    1. Thanks so much! I appreciate the recommendations (as always) and will try to do that. Waiting so late to do my long runs just makes me anxious… what if it rains or something… then I don’t have much day left to get the run in. No way am I running 18 miles on a treadmill if that were to happen! But if the weather is nice maybe I can do it. Your marathon time is amazing. You will do great. Great plan for your education and I’m glad you’re aiming for doing what you love while staying safe. I guess you have a pretty good head on your shoulders for a 101 🙂 🙂 thanks Joey 🙂

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  6. So after 7 Marathons I think I have the race prep mostly down. Drink lots of water the week leading up to the race because Hydration is the key. I also recommend that you have a plan for any nutrition you will need and determine how it will be carried. Also figure out if you will be carrying and fluids or picking up from the race course. Have all this organized several days in advance and put it in a dedicated 1 gallon zip lock. This way you can see the contents and reassure yourself you have it all set without unpacking. This will let you be organized to get some rest the night before instead of counting gels 20 times over. I do the same things for IRONMAN racing and it works well.

    Good Luck.

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    1. Thank you so much! I’m just curious, while I’m speaking with someone who’s experienced, about how many gels do you go through on such a distance? I know everyone is different but I’m just curious. Also, I was thinking about just lightening my load and utilizing the water stations as you mentioned. Do you carry water with you or rely on aid stations? I’m curious what others do. I do, on the other hand, like my handheld bottle and/or hydration vest because they have pockets to carry things. Thanks for your advice!


      1. I carry gels. Usually I plan on 1 per hour maybe a little more. I’m 190 lbs so I’m using a lot of energy. I don’t always use them all but their available if I need them. I’ve been to several races where the station that’s suppose to have gels is either out or was never setup. I have carried water but don’t usually anymore. Plan to slow down and drink a cup or two at each station and you should be ok. It’s extra weight to carry so it’s harder on your legs and joints. For me the benefit of convenience didn’t outweigh the extra effort since I was still filling the bottles at the aid stations.

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      2. Thank you! Makes sense. I think I will do just that and rely on aid stations for water and bring some fuel. I like apple sauce too because it feels more filling/food-like than gels. But I do like the Glukos gels too. I’ll prob bring a few of each. My metabolism is crazy so I get hungry. Thanks so much for the advise and best of luck in your future runs!


      3. Yeah, I’ve found the applesauce to be satisfying – today I did 1 gel after 1 hr, then an applesauce 30 min later for an 18 miler. They have squirt-able applesauce in the kids snack section 🙂 (I like the Go Squeez regular applesauce but they have other flavors). I put them in the fridge so they’re cold when I use them. 🙂

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  7. LOL You are too funny. What if it rains, take an umbrella. And if you get a little wet I’am sure you wont melt! Let me tell u something Ms Texas, my partner and I who was also a runner, landed in Indiana to pick up a guy ( We had a warrant on him) no wise cracks :). So,there were Tornado warnings out. However, we really wanted to get our run in prior to getting him. Did we let a little wind stop us, NO we ran a brisk 7.Now put on you’re big gal shorts and go run in that rain. And don’t think I missed that “I guess you have a pretty good head on your shoulders ” Me thinks certain top 100’s are a little threatened by the surge of the top 200’s LOL. Another thing Ms Jenna, how ironic is it that the number one cause for a possible drought in Texas by excessive water use this summer, is annoyed afraid of a slight drizzle LOL. Ok are we at the point where you ignore my tweets yet :(. Have a great weekend !!!!

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    1. Lol! I knew you’d give it to me for that one… I don’t like sloshing through puddles, ok! Umbrella. Yeah right! Well it just makes sense… us Texans aren’t used to that wet stuff that falls from the sky. Lol. Thanks for keeping it real and thanks again for the advice Mr. 101. I never block you! You just disappear! 😄 Have a great weekend, too!

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  8. HA Like an umbrella would be the largest object you ran with :). I know you don’t block. You skip my tweets by commenting on the one before and after mine. Then I send a friendly warning shot by the unfriend which leads to the block LOL. Let me have the last word PLEASE :). You are TOO much.Talk to u next week.

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  9. BTW – I use two gel packs in my marathons. If I use more it upsets my stomach. I never carry water in my marathons – They normally have more then enough of them. Just plant your peeps along the course with the special drinks you need. I love seltzer on my runs and have my friends ( yes I have some friends that actually like me LOL) at planned miles. You better relax – go out and have a few beers tonight. Get ready for the worst part of it all. Time just stops a few weeks before the race. We just want the day to come and it just drags on. Ok way to much Joey – Enjoy the weekend Ms Texas!

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    1. Thanks!! I won’t have peeps there to have stuff for me along the way but I can just jam a few gels in my pants and use the aid stations! I’ve been using one gel and an apple sauce on long runs so far. Thanks for the advice and yeah right now I can’t decide between a nap or an adult beverage. Tough call. Lol. Thanks Joey!


  10. Congrats on getting to this point! You probably only have 2 or 3 weeks of harder running before you taper. You asked for some tips for a first time marathoner. Here are some that I’d share:
    1. Trust your training. Say this mantra every day.
    2. Enjoy the moment. No matter how long you are out there on race day, you will cross the finish line & the marathon will be over before you know it.
    3. Don’t worry so much about time. Have a marathon that makes you want to get out and do it again. No matter what you do in this one, it will be a PR!
    4. When you finish, you may feel a bit lost or without a purpose. I mean, you have been training for & anticipating this even for a long time. Try to think of a new goal for yourself for after the race – whether it’s another race, learning a language, getting back into book club, etc. Think about something that will help you fill the hours of free time you will have afterwards that used to be taken up by your training.
    5. Plan on buying the photos from the race. Frame your favourite finisher’s photo. That first marathon accomplishment only happens once. That picture will be a reminder of how strong & capable you really are.
    6. When you are somewhere between miles 18-26 and you are questioning all of your life choices, start talking to another runner. Having an impromptu buddy may be the little thing you need to keep you moving when you are not sure you can take another step.
    7. Remember to have fun.
    8. Respect the taper. It’s easy to think you don’t need to taper too much, but having fresh legs is so important.

    Enjoy these last weeks of excitement and anticipation!

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    1. Wow, I truly appreciate this! Just reading your tips gave me chills – this is really happening! I have been thinking about #4 lately – it will be bitter sweet when it’s over. There’s only one first marathon! But I’m excited. I really appreciate these tips. Thank you so much!

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